8848 Altitude

Since its inception in 1990, 8848 Altitude has been the leading brand in manufacturing premium streetwear and jackets. The brand is well-known for using high-quality fabrics and materials to fabricate a stylish and comfortable collection of skiing apparel for women, men, and kids. Combining the elements of luxury wear with affordability, the brand designs a portfolio of hefty jackets, sweaters, and pants to keep individuals warm on their mountainous adventures, curated with innovative first-class craftsmanship.

Top 8848 Altitude Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to 8848 Altitude Includes BLACK CREVICE, Save The Duck, Dry Fashion, Duvetica, Refrigue, Frieda & Freddies New York, Bomboogie, Wellensteyn, Iguana, Peuterey among many others.



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Black Crevice offers all outdoor enthusiasts quality equipment and gear at economical prices. From recreational athletes to globetrotters, you can...


Save The Duck

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An online platform offering environment-friendly outfits, majorly jackets, along with leading a campaign to save ducks, is known in the...


Dry Fashion

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Dry Fashion is a German manufacturer of superior dry suits and related accessories for both amateur and professional water sports...



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Duvetica is a down jacket and warm clothing store with the most incredible collection of apparel for men and women....



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In winters, when there is a decrease in temperature, no one can tolerate excessive cold surroundings without the availability of...


Frieda & Freddies New York

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BomBoogie is an Italian outerwear and outfit brand for men, women, and children. It is known for embodying socially challenging...



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Apparel is found almost everywhere, but what makes it difficult for the customers to pick the right choice for them...



Iguana went commercial in 2005 as a one-of-a-kind brand that sells various sorts of feeders and supplies for different types...



Free shipping on all orders ain't that exciting? For men and women are seeking to find the best collection. Peuterey...



Phenix is a leading skiwear company from Japan with a long tradition of creating the most effective and sought-after ski...



Didriksons is a clothing company dedicated to creating products that last for a long time. Their philosophy was inspired by...



Killtec is a clothing brand operating in the market for over 40 years. They have dedicated their lives to creating...


Fuchs Schmitt

Fuch Schmitt is a luxury brand possessing proficiency in down jackets and sweaters for all weathers. Browse through the company...



When it comes to Fashion, things get subjective. And rightfully so, because style is an expression of personality. What makes...

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is 8848 Altitude from? How strong the company is?

The 8848 Altitude is Borås, Västergötland, Sweden based company launched in 1990. The 32 old Sports firm having approx 10 to 51 employees as of today working for them.

Why Is "8848 Altitude" a renowend "Ski-Jacken" company?

8848 Altitude is ranked as the most famous Ski-Jacken brand on this website. It is estimated that 9.9K shoppers search about them on the web every month.

What are some similar companies like "8848 Altitude"?

Some leading comparable brands to "8848 Altitude" are "Duvetica, Refrigue, Bomboogie, Peuterey and Killtec in not any particular order.