Debbie Meyer green bags are marketed as a storage solution that can keep vegetables fresh for up to 30 days. Their products have been independently laboratory tested and proven to work. The green bags are made of natural minerals, which produce a favourable storage climate and keep fruits and veggies fresher for longer. Their green boxes preserve the freshness of fruits and vegetables, as well as baked goods and snacks.

Top DEBBIE MEYER Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to DEBBIE MEYER Includes Snapware, Komax, Chef's Path, Vtopmart, GLASSLOCK, Pactiv, Freshware, Prep Naturals, Sistema, Cambro among many others.



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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost for ordering "DEBBIE MEYER" brand products?

"DEBBIE MEYER" is listed in "Reusable Produce Bags", which has median pricing of $12, with $5 to $25 price range. Likewise the brand is also listed in "Produce Bags", the category has average costing of $13, with $3 to $30 price range.

What are some related companies like "DEBBIE MEYER"?

Some good comparable brands to "DEBBIE MEYER" are "Komax, Chef's Path, Vtopmart, Freshware and Prep Naturals in random order.

Is "DEBBIE MEYER" a famous "Food Bags" brand?

DEBBIE MEYER is ranked as a well known Food Bags company on this website. Close to 1.6K shoppers search about them on search engines every month.

Among "DEBBIE MEYER", "FINEDINE" and "YouCopia" Which one is the most admired "Food Bags" company?

FINEDINE is the most researched amidst mentioned companies generally due to its higher brand visibility on the Internet. They are also included on around 4 different brand topics here on our site.

Where is DEBBIE MEYER from? How strong the company is?

The DEBBIE MEYER is Clearwater, Florida, United States based brand founded in 1998. The 24 old Consumer Goods brand has roughtly 2 to 10 employees today working with them.

Are Vtopmart and Hutzler related to brands like "DEBBIE MEYER"?

Unquestionably! DEBBIE MEYER is an alternative to Vtopmart and Hutzler. These are leading Produce Bags brands.