
Doulton has been a British water filter manufacturer in the business since 1826. Its water filters are known for their high-quality ingredients, which provide the users with a refreshing wave of tasteful and clean water in every sip. The brand makes countertop, under-counter and portable filters so you always have access to a healthy source. Doulton guarantees high-quality product, eco-friendly working, handmade, healthy and anti-wasting filters. Its products are shipped internationally and have won hearts.

Top Doulton Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to Doulton Includes Everpure, Pentek, Berkey, Omnipure, EcoPure, Kinetico, BWT, AQUAPRO, Dafi, CARBONIT among many others.



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You are often dissatisfied with your regular old water filter system; it may have to do with less filtration and...



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Everyone deserves healthy water that is free from harmful substances. EcoPure is committed to helping you achieve clean water through...



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Kinetico begins with industry-leading water softeners and reverses osmosis systems that perform more effectively to provide long-lasting comfort suited to...



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BWT is a company that aims to develop water purifying products and services to maintain a healthy intake of water....



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Do you have problems at your house regarding water filters? Well, you don't have to worry anymore, because AQUAPRO is...



Dafi fulfils all your water filtration needs with its world-class filtering products. They offer water pitchers and filtering cartridges that...



In the food business, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and medical technology, CARBONIT water filters are used. No silver or other chemical disinfectants...



Enagic is a global research and technology business dedicated to solving life science's most challenging problems. They have a solid...


Water Filter Man

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Cleansui is a Japanese-based company that developed the world’s first hollow fiber membrane water filter in 1984. It is a...



BRITA manufactures a variety of water filters for both the home and the professional market. The objective of BRITA is...



Every organism on this planet requires water to survive. Humans are among the significant water users for almost all purposes....

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is "Doulton" a popular "Water Filters" brand?

Doulton is listed as the best Water Filters company on About 6.6K consumers search about the brand on the internet per month.

Are Berkey and Kinetico identical to brands like "Doulton"?

Unquestionably! Doulton is similar to Berkey and Kinetico. All are leading Drinking Water Filter brands.

How is 'Doulton' more famous compared to other brands like Water Filter Man, CARBONIT and AQUALOGIS?

The Reason is 'Doulton' is the highly inquisitive company among shoppers between all four companies. Furthermore, it is featured among approximately 4 identical topics such as Drinking Water Filter, Gravity Filter and Drop Water Filters here on Brandlists.

What are some related brands like "Doulton"?

Some major alternative brands to "Doulton" are "Everpure, Kinetico, Omnipure, Water Filter Man and AQUALOGIS in not any particular order.

Where is Doulton from? How big the company is?

The Doulton is Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, United Kingdom based brand begun their journey in 1826. The 196 old Glass, Ceramics & Concrete brand having nearly 50 to 200 employees as of today working with them.

What is the median price for buying "Doulton" brand items?

"Doulton" is published in "Drinking Water Filter", which has average costing of $63, with $12 to $549 price range. Similarly the brand is also listed in "Gravity Filter", that has average pricing of $112, with $15 to $299 price range.