
MicroBattery is an e-commerce site that lists all types of batteries used in every home; customers may pick from several brands because they have a variety of brands under them. Their Panasonic lithium battery is the biggest seller on their website since it is rechargeable and has a discharge rate of 100A. Their Renata battery is the second best-selling gadget with neither mercury nor lead.

Top MicroBattery Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to MicroBattery Includes Green Cell, Phihong, NinjaBatt, BTI, BatPower, Egoway, VisioDirect, Lavolta, MTXtec, Innergie among many others.


Green Cell

Popular Brand

Green Cell is the top manufacturer of mobile device battery solutions. Over 500,000 mobile power goods and accessories, including batteries,...



Popular Brand

With annual revenue of 500 million dollars, Phihong, a Taiwan-based power technology company, is a global leader in the power...



Popular Brand

NinjaBatt is a leading supplier of portable power devices and battery consumables. It aims to make people succeed in living...



Best Brand

Bicycle Technologies International is a wholesale supplier of bicycle parts and accessories. They offer bicycle solutions for over 300 brands...



Best Brand

BatPower is leading its way with its technology offering fast charging and safer options. BatPower not only uses the best...



Best Brand

EGOWAY is committed to providing our consumers with a pleasant online shopping experience. They provide their consumers with battery solutions...



Best Brand

VisioDirect is a leading electronics brand that has been selling types of equipment and accessories for electronic devices for several...



Best Brand

Cosmetics are the products rubbed, poured, or sprinkled on the human body to look beautiful. Most people in today’s world...



Every digital device requires batteries for its functioning, and mtXtec is the solution. They provide batteries for a variety of...



Innergie has served as one of the leading brands of consumer power solutions for the last five decades. It aims...



Are you looking for a laptop adapter but can't find one? Power4Laptops is the most comprehensive list of laptop adapters...



Buy your electronic item from a safer website. Akyga has brought an extensive range of electronic things like an adaptor,...



AcBel offers power solutions for computers. One can find all kinds of power output devices for industrial, commercial, medical, and...



Life is getting better and more manageable with Chicony as their expertise in the field of technology has left astonishing...



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average price for buying "MicroBattery" brand items?

"MicroBattery" is included in "Universal Power Adapter", which has median pricing of $16, with $11 to $26 price range. Correspondingly the brand is also listed in "Power Adapter Plug", the category has average costing of $14, with $4 to $39 price range.

Is "MicroBattery" a famous "Informatica" company?

MicroBattery is listed as a reputed Informatica brand on our website. Roughtly 2.4K consumers find about the brand online every month.

Which are several sites related to microbattery.com?

Few of the webpages similar to microbattery.com to buy Universal Power Adapter products are hpl.hp.com, support.apple.com, lenovo.com, us.targus.com and liteon.com

Are Amsahr and BLESYS similar to companies like "MicroBattery"?

Certainly! MicroBattery is comparable to Amsahr and BLESYS. They are known Universal Power Adapter brands.

What are some related brands like "MicroBattery"?

Some good equivalent brands to "MicroBattery" are "Amsahr, BTI, Lavolta, BatPower and MTXtec in arbitrary order.

Where is MicroBattery from? How big the brand is?

The MicroBattery is Miami, Florida, United States based company established in 1993. The 29 old Import & Export firm has approx 10 to 51 employees as of today working for them.