TIKI Flames is 60 years old lighting and flames brand, producing different types of lights and torches that people would love to have as their backyard decor. The catalog is inclusive of bamboo torches, first LED string lights, fire pits, decorative torches, and fuels for your lamps. The products are helpful as well as an excellent option for decorative pieces in homes. The products are innovative, stylish, fragrant, allowing one the liberty to have a social gathering at home and just relax with their friends.

Top TIKI Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to TIKI Includes Global, K&K Interiors, Northern Lights, DEMDACO, Adeco, Young's, Cornwall, Whitehall, Our Name is Mud, Ande Rooney among many others.



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Our Name is Mud

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Ande Rooney

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Shabby Chic

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Satya-Sage is a handmade, eco-friendly candles and home fragrance product manufacturing and sales brand. It is a vegan brand; the...

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is TIKI from? How big the brand is?

The TIKI is Menomonee Falls, WI, United States based brand incorporated in 1964. The 58 old Consumer Goods company has about 50 to 200 employees as of today working with them.

Among "TIKI", "Adeco" and "Crate and Barrel" Which one is the most famous "Home Gardening" brand?

Crate and Barrel is the most searched amidst mentioned brands mainly due to its higher brand visibility on the web. Crate and Barrel also listed on close to 25 different brand categories here on this website.

What is the "TIKI" brand known for?

TIKI is also reputed for "Cat Food, Vintage Bookends, Decorative Masks, Stone Bookends and Tiki Bar Sign" companies.

What are a few comparable companies like "TIKI"?

Some leading alternative brands to "TIKI" are "Global, K&K Interiors, Northern Lights, Hobby Lobby and Rogue River Tactical in not any particular order.

Which are different website similar to tikibrand.com?

Some of the websites identical to tikibrand.com to shop Cat Food products are purina.com, royalcanin.com, hillspet.com, whiskas.com and sheba.com

For Which Reason is 'TIKI' more famous compared to other brands like Global, Shabby Chic and Crate and Barrel?

Because 'TIKI' is the highly inquisitive product manufacturer on the web between all four brands. Furthermore, it is enlisted among approximately 25 similar categories such as Cat Food, Vintage Bookends and Decorative Masks here on our database.