Surya Brasil

Surya Brasil has been in business for many years, and they have not changed much since its foundation. The company only sells henna to customers. Henna is known as a plant-based dye that can be used to dye your hair. It is natural, safe, and preferred by many people to synthetic hair colors. Surya Brasil has a decent color range. There are only so many colors that you can get with henna. They are very environmentally friendly.

Top Surya Brasil Alternatives and Similar Brands

The most popular brands similar to Surya Brasil Includes Naturtint, Cover Your Gray, Restoria, Rainbow Research, Paul Mitchell, Godrej, Tints Of Nature, Colora, Framesi, Joico among many others.



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Naturtint is a hair color company that offers a plethora of products ranging from multiple hair color options, root retouch...


Cover Your Gray

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Cover Your Gray is a hair care product brand that is available online. Its motive is to create and sell...



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Restoria is a worldwide brand spanning almost 65 countries that produce anti-grey hair dye. Their brand Express Men under Restoria...


Rainbow Research

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Rainbow provides all-natural products without unnecessary chemicals. The company aims to create a toxin-free one-stop shop for hair and skin...


Paul Mitchell

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Paul Mitchell does not believe in dull hair color. The company makes haircare products for its customers. They are dedicated...



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Godrej Expert is the country's most popular hair color brand and a hair care brand specializing in producing hair colors....


Tints Of Nature

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Hair coloring is in trend with hair greying as an old friend. Offering a healthier and sustainable solution to the...



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What's the purpose of beauty without health? Is it possible to be both healthy and pleasing? Yes, Colora is the...



Framesi Professional is savvied to provide high-quality color and related activators and developers, care and styling products, treatments, tools, and...



Joico LumiShine is a revolutionary technology that locks in color, provides long-lasting shine, and protects against frizz. It's the new...



The American haircare brand, Redken, was founded in 1960, with the name being a portmanteau of the founders Jheri Redding...



Experimenting with various styles and colors on hair has become a new trend lately. But excessive hair experiments can cause...


Color Wow

Hairstyle expresses your enthusiasm for the occasion, but the process shouldn't disregard the hair damage. As the name suggests, Color...



Bosley is one of the reputed hair transplant destinations on the globe set in the US. Since 1974, the clinics...



Vatika is a haircare brand specializing in making products that can strengthen your hair and protect it from harm. Vatika...

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Surya Brasil from? How strong the company is?

The Surya Brasil is Garden City, NY, United States based brand founded in 1995. The 27 old Cosmetics company having about 200 to 500 employees as of today working with them.

What are some related companies like "Surya Brasil"?

Some top comparable brands to "Surya Brasil" are "Cover Your Gray, Restoria, Paul Mitchell, Vatika and Herbatint in arbitrary order.

Is "Surya Brasil" a famous "Hair Colour" company?

Surya Brasil is ranked as a reputed Hair Colour company on Close to 6.6K people find about the company on the web per month.