Top 28 Old Camera Brands in 2024

The most popular brands for Old Camera Includes Kodak, ZEISS, Agfa, Yashica, Bell and Howell, Vivitar, Minolta, Keystone, Zenit, LOMO among many others.



Popular Brand

From your printing needs to motion pictures of the modern world, this company delivers it all. One can also experience the difference and uniqueness in quality and machine progress. Kodak holds the title of the first in the world to introduce the fastest inject press. The machine has been designed to handle the highest capacity runs, which indirectly boosts your business. Kodak believes in growing together and revitalizing creativity, committed to sustainability.



Popular Brand

Zeiss is a leader in the optics technology industry and is known for its innovative and high-performance optoelectronics. Their products are widely used for scientific and medical research and in making improvements in the industrial markets. They are primarily known for their Lithography optics used in making semiconductor parts. The brand has everything from Medical Technology and Microscopy to Vision Care and Industrial Metrology.



Popular Brand

Agfa is a leading global technology company that designs and manufactures imaging systems and IT solutions for the printing industry. They also develop, produce, and sell lithographic plates and cylinders, and variable data products for healthcare. Their passion is imaging. Agfa's expertise in integrated digital imaging technologies combined with IT solutions provides added value to their clients by helping them drive business growth through efficiency improvements, decreased costs, reduced time to market, and increased customer satisfaction.



Best Brand

Yashica assists you in capturing the moment and preserving the long-lasting feeling. It also provides a new method of presenting stories, not just through images but also through video and voice. It automatically classifies and arranges the lovely moments you cherish. Yashica permits you to travel through time and see any event. They all desire more when it comes to experience. But, unlike other life events, images fade with time.


Bell and Howell

Best Brand

From supply chain to service delivery, Bell & Howell is a leading provider of technology and automation services that optimize fundamental business operations across the firm. With advances in remote equipment monitoring, maintenance, and analytics, they transform business by offering their clients total visibility into equipment performance and enabling decision-making at every step of the process, all from a single global platform. Their team is committed to transforming how customers interact with technology.



Best Brand

With its rich heritage of over 80 years, Vivitar has curated some favorable consumer electronics. Their digital still cameras and other accessories are popular among large crowds across the globe. Bestselling STEAM toys that help make learning fun for kids can be bought from their website at the best prices. Mobile audio accessories from Vivitar bring you sound immersion, quick pairing, and connectivity. And for hair grooming, they have tools on their website as well. Shop now.



Best Brand

Konica Minolta is a solution to transform your digital workspace into a well-organized and efficient area. The post-pandemic era has shifted a lot of workers to the digital space, and it is essential to keep sound track of things if we are going to be productive. Konica Minolta is going to help you create solutions to the problem that you are facing. The company's vision reaches into the future where everything is connected online. They tend to think ahead of time.



Best Brand

With the evolution of several ways in which light travels, transports, and reaches worldwide, the Brand Keystone emerged as a...



When words become unclear, gain your focus with photography. Zenit is a brand that exactly lets you do that. Zenit...





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Carl Zeiss

ZEISS is a technologically advanced worldwide powerhouse in the optical and optoelectronics industries. They not only execute but also shape...



Leica is a German business that creates great-end cameras, lenses, observational tools, simulation systems, and other gadgets based on the...



Minox is a German company specializing in researching and manufacturing high-quality binoculars, night vision devices, riflescopes, and game and security...


Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta can transform your business. They deal with the digital workspace, to be particular. They aim to solve the...



Rollei is the idea of Heinz Kuhnast, a famous camera pioneer who has been creating medium format cameras for over...



ILFORD has made its own identity by using Herman technology and amalgamating tradition with passion. The work manufactures high-quality products,...



Bolex has been producing cameras for over eight decades assembled by hand but delivers the best camera for high-quality filming....



VARIO Helicopter manufactures model helicopters that can be powered using fuel or electricity. They have loads of different versions and...



BelOMO manufactures items for the space industry's use in laser technology, optoelectronics, night vision technology, and optical equipment. The company...

Old Camera Buying Guide

Old cameras continue to have a certain charm and fascination that endears them to collectors and photographers even in the age of digital photography. The process of using an old camera, from loading film to setting the aperture and shutter speed, can be a uniquely satisfying experience. If you are considering buying an old camera, there are several factors to consider. Here is a guide to help you make the right decision.

Consider Your Goals

Before you start shopping for an old camera, you should consider what you want to use it for. Are you looking for a vintage camera to display on a shelf or mantlepiece? Or are you looking for a camera to use for taking artistic photographs? There are different types of old cameras that cater to different needs, so you need to consider your goals before making a purchase.

Type of Camera

There are several types of old cameras, each with its features and capabilities. Here are the most common types of old cameras:

  • 35mm SLR Cameras 35mm SLR cameras were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. They are versatile, and many photographers still use them today. They allow you to change lenses, control shutter speed and aperture, and focus precisely. If you are looking for an old camera for taking photographs, a 35mm SLR camera might be the best option for you.
  • Mirrorless Cameras Mirrorless cameras are similar to the 35mm SLR cameras in terms of functionality but do not have the mirror that provides the viewfinder in SLR cameras. Their advantage is that they are smaller and lighter compared to 35mm SLR cameras, making them easier to carry around. If you want an old camera that is easy to carry and can take excellent pictures, a mirrorless camera might be the right choice.
  • Folding Cameras Folding cameras were popular in the early 20th century. They were compact and allowed photographers to take high-quality photographs without having to carry heavy equipment. Most folding cameras used medium-format film, which provides excellent image quality. If you are looking for an old camera to take good-quality pictures and are not concerned with changing lenses or controlling shutter speed, a folding camera might be for you.
  • Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) Cameras TLR cameras, like folding cameras, were popular in the early 20th century. They are two-lensed cameras that have a waist-level viewfinder. They take medium-format film and offer excellent image quality. If you want an old camera that provides an excellent user experience, a TLR camera might be the right choice for you.
  • Box Cameras Box cameras were prevalent in the early 20th century. They are simple cameras that use medium-format film, have a fixed aperture, and fixed shutter speed. If you are looking for an old camera to add to your collection or as a decoration, a box camera might be the perfect choice.

Camera Condition

The condition of the camera is crucial when buying an old camera. You want to make sure the camera is functional, has no major dents, and that the lens is free from scratches, fungus, and mold. A camera in good condition is more expensive, but it is also a better investment because it can last a long time.

Shutter Speeds

An essential factor to consider when buying an old camera is the shutter speed. A camera with a fast shutter speed can take photos of fast-moving objects, while a camera with a slow shutter speed is best suited for static objects or portraits. When looking for an old camera, look for one with a range of shutter speeds to give you more flexibility when taking photos.


Another critical factor to consider when buying an old camera is the lens. A high-quality lens can make all the difference in the quality of your photographs. Look for a camera with a high-quality lens, free from scratches or fungus growth. It is also essential to consider the type of lens mount the camera has since it affects the lens options available for you to use.

Manual Focusing

Most old cameras require manual focusing, so consider if you are comfortable with that. Manual focusing can take time to get used to, but it can also provide a more personalized touch to your photos. Some cameras have focusing aids like ground glass or prism to help with focusing, while others require the photographer to do it instinctively.

Film Type

Old cameras use either 35mm or medium format film. Medium format film provides a higher image quality than 35mm, but medium-format cameras tend to be more expensive. Consider the type of film you want to use when buying an old camera.


Buying old cameras can be a rewarding experience, and with proper research, you can find the right camera for your needs. Consider your goals, the type of camera, camera condition, shutter speeds, lenses, manual focusing, and film type before making a purchase. With the right old camera, you can add a unique charm to your photography and create timeless images that will be treasured for years to come.

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